PADI Women’s Dive Day

Womens Dive Day Email Header

To recognise and celebrate women in diving, PADI will be supporting PADI Dive Centres and Resorts in the PADI Woman’s Dive Day, an occasion that will take place worldwide on the 18th of July 2015.

With women making up 1/3 of PADI diving certifications, this is an exciting opportunity for us all to acknowledge women divers and the incredible contributions made by women to our industry, as well as encourage more women to partake in diving.

To participate in Women’s Dive Day we are asking PADI Dive Centres and Resorts and PADI Instructors to host their very own Women’s Dive Day event.

This will be a very exciting event that will unite women divers from all over the world and influence women to take up or continue diving.

Dive Centres and Resorts can acknowledge women divers as well as encourage new women into the sport by not only participating in the Women’s Dive Day by organising an event on July 18th, but also doing things such as organising special events and promotions around certain holidays and celebrations for example mother’s day as well as highlighting inspirational women divers from your regions on social media or websites.

We are extremely excited for the Women’s Dive Day, and look forward to hearing from you about interest in participating in this global event.

To participate in Women’s Dive Day or to organise your own Women’s Dive Day event, please email:

Promotional tools for this campaign can be found under the Marketing Toolbox section of the PADI Pros’ Site.

More materials will continue to be added to this toolbox over the coming weeks, so ensure you take a look at these materials available to help you with your event.

2 Replies to “PADI Women’s Dive Day”

  1. Fantastic event but please next time can we pick a date not in the very middle of our Winter? How about Spring or Autumn? PADI is worldwide

    1. Hi Terri, thanks for the feedback, we are very much looking forward to recognising and celebrating women in diving on an annual basis. Yes, it is in the Winter months for the Oceania region however as it is a global event, the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asian regions will be in their warmer time of the year. If you had any other feedback on the event and/or what you would like to see happen, please feel free to contact Thanks, PADI

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